► Our Reliability Laboratory, located in Toulouse (France) covers several activities such as:
- Product Qualification
- Product Screening (High Rel. applications mainly)
- Lot Acceptance Tests (LAT)
- Burn’In
- Reliability monitoring
- Technologies Qualification (Front-End or Back-End/Assembly )
► Reliability qualification aims at insuring that the product is compliant to electrical, mechanical, and environmental requirements related to its application, environment, and applicable Q&R standard.
► At Synergie Cad PSC, we cover the most frequent standards :
- Jedec
- AEC-Q100
► Reliability stress tests / Reliability characterization
- Electrical aging
- HTOL : High Temperature Operating Life test
- Early Life Failure Rate (ELFR)
- Dynamic Burn IN
- Climatic stress tests
- MSL Preconditionning
- Thermal Humidity Biased test (THB) 85C /85% RH
- Highly Accelerated Stress Tests (HAST-biased) – (uHAST-unbiased)
- Pressure
- Autoclave (AC) / Pressure Pot (PPT)
- Thermo-Mechanical
- Thermal Cycling Standard – VRT 15C/min.
- Thermal Shocks Air to Air
- Power Thermal Cycling (PTC-biased)
- Thermal storage
- High Temperature Storage 300C
- Packaging oriented tests
- Ball Bond shear
- Bond Pull test
- Die shear
- Solder balls shear
- Other specific tests (accessible through external partner)
- Vibrations
- Acceleration
- Mechanical shock
- Drop Test
- Packaging oriented tests
- Ball Bond shear
- Bond Pull test
- Die shear
- Solder balls shear
- Other specific tests (accessible through external partner)
- Vibrations
- Acceleration
- Mechanical shock
- Drop Test
► ESD and Latch-Up
- ESD Human Body Model (HBM)
- ESD Machine Model (MM)
- ESD Charge Device Model (CDM)
- Latch-Up (Room Temp, Hot Temp.)
► Reliability boards – Reliability hardware
► All reliability boards are developped and fabricated by our internal design team and Synergie Cad PCB factory located in Carros (France).
- HTOL or LTOL boards
- HAST or THB boards
- PTC (Power Thermal Cycling)
- Vibrations, HALT
- Board Level TMC
- Drop Test (Jedec board format)
► Technology Analysis and Failure Analysis
Physical characterization and Technological analysis are often associated with reliability evaluation as acceptance criteria for qualification, further to electrical testing, also require physical characterization or control.
- Available techniques or equipments
- XRays inspection – 2D & 3D
- Acoustic Microscopy (SAM) – delamination analysis
- Optical Inspection
- Physical dimensions (3D)
- Pull Test, Ball shear, Die shear
- Cross-sectionning (mechanical)
- Construction Analysis
Failure Analysis is activated when failure is detected either during qualification, for yield improvement,
or in the event of customer returns.
Typical Failure Analysis sequence at Synergie Cad PSC is as below
Problem Description (customer inputs)
– Failure rate, conditions (temp, field), History, traceability